asterisk + odoo

Install LIBSRTP cd /usr/local/src/ wget tar xfv v2.5.0.tar.gz cd libsrtp-2.5.0 ./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC –prefix=/usr/local/lib –libdir=/usr/lib64 make shared_library && sudo make...

What is NZB?

A great definition of an NZB is “What makes Usenet Easy”. You can think it functions like torrent sharing but it’s not a peer-to-peer file-sharing service like most torrent download sites. Instead, you need a Newsgroup Service Provider in order to access and browse...

How to send email through commandline

Open Windows Command Prompt using Start > Command Prompt or via Run > CMDTelnet to the mail server by typing telnet <domain> 25Once connected, we must initiate the mail sending process queue.  We start this with ehlo <domain> Now we must set the sending mail...

how to install OnlyOffice in Ubuntu (by pradeep)

Deploying this solution is actually quite easy. The only challenge is making sure your hosting machine meets the minimum system requirements, which are: CPU: Dual-core 2 GHz or better RAM: 6 GB or more Storage: At least 40 GB of free space (for the installation) Swap:...

How to install NextCloud in Ubuntu

Step 1. Install the Apache webserver. sudo apt install -y apache2 libapache2-mod-php bzip2 Step 2. Install the necessary PHP modules for Nextcloud installation. sudo apt install -y php-gd php-json php-mysql php-curl php-mbstring php-intl php-imagick php-xml php-zip...